Sometimes, Plan B ends up being better than the original plan and that is what Joe and I believe about the second design concept for our home. After review of the Geotechnical report and recommendations, we decided to pull the home footprint back away from the edge of the slope. Building the original concept could be done, but we weren't willing to pay for the more expensive foundation, so we explored new ideas (this way, we will have more money for windows, anyway!).

The new design is similar to the first concept, with the portion of the home that extended out like a diving board flipped back on itself with an interesting angle. It sort of turns into a pinwheel. Overall, the house is wider, which makes for a more open main living area, which we both really like. Another interesting concept is the master bedroom, with is open to both the kitchen and living rooms. We are planning to incorporate some sort of pocket wall/window to close it off, if we choose. I don't think this will be very often! Here are the floorplans, too:

We are both very excited about this one and can't wait to see how the final design unfolds!