An online journal documenting the planning and building process of our modern home from start to finish. It is intended to share our experiences throughout this project with all those interested in modern design.

Plan B-2

After thinking about it for a few weeks, both Joe and I decided to move forward with Plan B. We just liked it better as it seemed more simple and there was something about it that just seemed right. The architect has worked on expanding Plan B and come up with some new concepts in what we are referring to as Plan B-2. The main changes are moving the Living/Dining Rooms around, having the Living Room space move out on to the deck, lowering the ceiling in the main area of the house to 8', and adding a skylight slicing through the middle of the house on a 15% angle. Here are a few pictures:

Overall, we both like the Living/Dining Room switch, but are not completely sold on the skylight. We are planning a trip home soon to lay out the house on the land and see if that can help us identify which solution to develop. Can't wait to visit the site again!

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